MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

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MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by Simon@FutureProof »

I'm planning to run with the MAF on a this car is mostly a road car and thus the pros/cons of the MAF system make sense for day to day driving.

I was looking at tuner pro and a little at the code and it seems that at the moment when the ECU is in MAF mode it only works off the raw voltage from the MAF sensor and doesn't have any kind of load calculation for fueling.

So am I correct in thinking that the current system is simply taking the MAF voltage and RPM and reading off the master fuel table to do the fueling?

If so is there any progress on implementing a MAF to Base Load/Base Pulse Width system that would allow for better tuning and day to day consistency?
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by AndreyB »

OrchardPerformance wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:26 pm
So am I correct in thinking that the current system is simply taking the MAF voltage and RPM and reading off the master fuel table to do the fueling?

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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by Simon@FutureProof »

Ok, no problem. I wanted to be sure I was not treading on any toes or duplicating work already done before doing anything.

The obvious issue with the current method is the use of the voltage on the main fuel table, the MAF voltage will only increase with total airflow and the engines airflow will only increases with VE and RPM. Thus, as you sweep the engine through its speed range at full throttle you will trace a line across the main fuel table as below, with all the cells below the red line being viable tuning cells and everything above the red line being inaccessible as that amount of airflow is impossible at those engine speeds (actual MAF volts for a BMW M20).
Please ignore the use of "5" in the cells, it was just a number picked to turn the cells red and draw a visual curve.

The simplest solution is to turn the raw MAF volts signal into a load signal.
Having spent a lot of time messing with Motronic systems it feels to me the best way around it is the Pulse width approach using the MAF signal to generate a theoretical ideal stoichiometric pulse width.

From the point of view of RusEFI it has 3 main advantages 1-its computationally efficient, 2-its pretty simple to tune once you get your head around how it works and 3-its out of patent meaning no issues if we use a similar method. ( - expired 2013 due to the 20 year term) I will note this is actually a slight variation on the Bosch method as Bosch calculate for 2 pulses per cycle instead of 1 pulse due to hardware limitations.

It is going to mean that someone wanting to use the MAF/Load system is going to need a little more info on their engine or be able to make reasonable estimates in order to generate the necessary fuel injection constant before they can set the fuel table up but it is not so complex or sensitive that a good estimate of the correct values cannot be found and adjusted later.
With a bit of effort I expect TunerStudio could generate the constant and base table from the inputs.

The basics of the Pulse width calculation is Q/(n*K)=Pulse width where:
Q= Air in KG/Hour
n= RPM
K= Injection constant

Q is easy to find from the MAF transfer function as it is designed to convert the raw voltage into the KG/Hour air flow. It is often possible to get the function from the stock ECU or from data sheets available from the manufacturer. In the case of Bosch stock ECUs this is pretty simple.

n is obviously RPM so that's easy.

K is a calculated injection constant for the injectors used on the engine, which is a little more problematic to work out.

To get K:
1. Max load at peak power RPM
120000/peakpowerRPM= max load possible at peak VE RPM

2. injector flow in kg/h
Injector size in CC*0.0438*number of injectors=Max flow in kg/h

3. Air consumption
PeakpowerRPM/2 * capacity * VE *0.0735 = air consumption in kg/h

4. Fuel consumption
Air kg/h/1.47 = Fuel kg/h

5.Duty cycle at peakVE
Fuel kg/h / Max flow kg/h = Duty cycle [could warn if over .90 or under .60, .80 is ideal as it allows up to 15% enrichment for accell]

6.Injection constant
air kg/h / (PeakRPM*(Max load*duty cycle) = K

The above gives us a max value for the fuel table, a peak fuel flow and K.

Doing this with real values gives the following:

1. Max load value for tables
120000/5000= 21.8ms Max pulse width @100% duty

2. injector flow in kg/h
166cc*0.0438*6 injectors = 43.62Kg/H Max flow

3. Air consumption
5000/2 * 2.49L * 0.98 *0.0735 = 493.22Kg/H air consumption

4. Fuel consumption
493.22/1.47 = 33.55Kg/H Fuel

5.Duty cycle at peakVE
33.55 / 43.66 = 0.769 Duty cycle [could warn if over .90 or under .60, .80 is ideal as it allows up to 15% enrichment for accell]

6.Injection constant
493.22 / (5000*(21.8*0.769) = 0.005349 = K

Which means in ideal circumstances the pulse width at 5000 RPM and 98% VE is:
493.22 /(5000*0.005349) = 16.76ms pulse, which is actually pretty damn close to the required pulse with for stoichiometric fueling.

Before going much further it's wise to discuss the Y axis of the fuel table, to get an estimate of the max needed load value it works ok to perform calculation 1 for the peak engine operating speed, in the case above it comes out at 17.142ms and is essentially a pulse width we cannot physically exceed at 7000 RPM. If we tried to pulse the injectors for this long at peak RPM they would be at 100% duty cycle so we kind of need to size our injectors with this in mind.
Thus our Y axis is 17-1/16 = 1ms per row (pretty convenient for this case)

Using what we did above we can populate the main fuel table as below.
Where the X axis is the RPM as normal, the Y axis is working off our calculated stoichiometric load and the values in the table are the actual output stoichiometric pulse width.

To tune the part load fueling it is simply a case of adjusting the pulse widths up and down to suit the real needs of the engine. The calculated pulse width is going to be close but does not account of the gas dynamics inside the intact tract or any forced enrichment or leaning that the tuner desires.

For the ECU to calculate the final pulse width is pretty computationally efficient:
1. Read analog chanel for MAF
2. Lookup table for volts to air kg/h
3. If no MAF value get value from TPS table
4. Air kg/h / (rpm*K)
5. Add warmup correction value [best as a simple multiplier]
6. Add value from Barometric table [best as a simple multiplier]
7. Read stoich pulse width from Fuel table
8. Add value from acceleration table [best as a simple multiplier]
9. Output final fuel pulse width

If we are going to make this work with a fail safe mode we need a TPS to air flow table, I can figure that one out.
Possible figure out some barometric correction factors but a table that is flat mapped to no correction works for initial tuning.

At the moment best I can figure out is the following pro/cons which I'm happy to revise if anyone can think of anything else.
Advantages -
1. Allows more of fuel table to be used at lower RPM/airflow which means better fueling at part loads and low air flows.
2. Is essentially a VE/speed density system based on the MAF sensor
3. Relatively resistant to changes in engine condition and architecture as the air flow will increase or decrease with corresponding pulse width changes.
4. Can fail safe by generating load value from TPS provide we have a TPS to air flow table. (which can be calculated from geometry)
5. MAF type can be changed quick and easy only tuning one table
6. More robust OEM style strategy that's proven itself on many cars
7. Will improve part throttle emissions so should help those of use that have to do part load emissions checks.
8. Barometric correction can be applied to do a boosted MAF setup or account for altitude if the correction factors were in place.
9. Much better transient fueling possible due to 1.
10. Acceleration enrichment can be simplified to Load Vs TPS (need to flesh this out in my head a bit more before I comment further).
11. Very simple base map using calculated pulse widths, the calculated pulse widths should always come up pretty close to the actual width needed for stoichiometric operation meaning the base table can simply be the Y axis value all the way across the row.
12. Possible to warn about undersize or oversize injectors via the tuner studio K factor calculations. If your calculated stoich pulse widths give duty cycles that are too high then it is immediately obvious that your injectors are too small to deliver the extra enrichment.
13. Warmup enrichment easily applied to all running conditions as it only needs to be a correction factor that the pulse width is multiplied by.
14. Allows ECU to estimate AFR based on load pulse width vs final pulse width and then compare this to AFR read from the WB02
15. Relatively insensitive to air temperatures as MAF will responds to the increased density of the air and greater temp difference with the hot sensing element, IAT only really needed for TPS limp mode or fine correction.

Disadvantages -
1. Harder to program - needs more code to perform the same function as the pure Volts method.
2. Harder to understand calculation method in the first instance
3. Requires known MAF curve/transfer function to create the MAF table
4. Requires more inputs to Tunerstudio and more math in Tunerstudio to generate the main fuel table
5. Would require a TPS to load table for fail safe
6. Might not play nice with MAF auto tune methods
7. Method not really suitable for large amounts of boost or pure racing engine builds due to difficulty of getting peak pulse widths correct [but they should be SD or AN anyway right?]

One final thing to note is that with this method I would be using about 90% of the main fuel table across the range as shown below:
The 100 values I have put in there indicate the highest cell that would be accessed so everything below that line is fair game for tuning meaning much better adjustments of fueling at lower loads and RPMs.

* A few notes on this Vs motronic classics method
The older Motronic units use a slight variation of this method as shown in the patent I posted, the hardware limitations of the ECU limit all fueling equations to 12.75ms load max (255 or 0xFF in hex) as it cannot count any higher, thus the load is calculated as though the pulse width was 1/2 the sequential width with the injectors reverting to batch fire above a certain load and speed.
The relative slowness of the processor and poor FPU mean that all the values are scaled in some way to make them whole numbers, K for instance is actually 1/400*K which results in a number in the 10 thousands instead of a really small decimal.
RPM is factored by 40 meaning that 7000rpm=175 or 0xAF with the max value being 0xFF or 10200 RPM
The main fuel table is actually a correction factor table, with 128 being no correction 0 being -100% and 255 being +100%. This is also true of a lot of other fuel tables.
Basically everything is tweaked and factored to maker life as easy as possible for the ECU processor making the actual Motronic method much harder to tune, harder to reverse engineer and a much dirtier implementation.
With better hardware we can take the principal behind the old method and actually apply it in a cleaner simpler and more easily tuned fashion.
Last edited by Simon@FutureProof on Mon Aug 13, 2018 1:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by kb1gtt »

I'm not sure I'm following your MAF signal. You claim 5.00V at 800 RPM. I do not expect a MAF can generate this voltage at such a low RPM. AKA you have a low Mass passing the Air Flow meter, so you will have less voltage. You need higher RPM's to get more Mass to pass the meter, which then generates more voltage.
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by Simon@FutureProof »

Indeed your correct, there's no way a MAF can create this voltage at low RPM, hence the need for a load based algorithm.
Can you point out where I said 5v at 800rpm as if I did its a mistake made from working late at night while watching TV.

If you look at the first fuel map up the top of the post you will see the red line marks the raw voltage from the MAF based on the actual air flow demands of the engine. At 800rpm it will only pull ~1.6v and thus only have 3 tuning cells available at that speed (maybe ok for idle but 1700rpm with 5 cells is not good).

By using load/pulse width based the scale up the side is actually equivalent to the air ingested per intake stroke so is analogous to VE. I.e. at 800rpm and peak throttle with 98% VE the required pulse width would be ~16ms on this engine, at 7000rpm and 98% VE the pulse width would still be ~16ms there would just be 7000 pulses per minute instead of 800.

That's what allows the load to be so far up the Y axis at low RPM, you have converted the total air flow to an abstract trapped air per intake stroke which removes the effect of RPM vastly increasing air throughput.
Obviously total air flow @800rpm is less but the trapped air per intake stroke can be the same.
MAF voltage only increases with peak flow that cannot be separated from the pumping rate of the engine (RPM) but pulse width is a per combustion event and thus only linked to trapped air mass.

This is why the final fuel equation is Q/(n*K)=Pulse width where:
Q= Air in KG/Hour
n= RPM
K= Injection constant

Dividing the air total air flow Q by the RPM n means chopping the airflow into a KGs of air per revolution, more KGs of air per rev is the same as greater VE. The equation just adds another step to shove out a fuel pulse width that corresponds to the air mass or VE.

Edit - Also I should note the two later fuel tables are pulse width on the Y axis even though tuner studio still said MAF Volts, didn't think to change that for illustration purposes. :oops:

Edit 2 - Unless you got the 5v from my use of "5" in the first table, the number was meaningless and only intended to turn the cell red to draw a line not illustrate 5v, should have picked a better number. Double :oops: :oops:
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by kb1gtt »

Yes first picture is were I got it.
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by kb1gtt »

Sorry my replies are short and with little thought. I'll try to comment more later. I'm a bit short on time these last couple days, and probably short for the next week or so. I'm not sure if you found the below page. It might be of interest.
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by Simon@FutureProof »

OK, so looks like the 5v thing was my fault, sorry about that. :D

No problem on the limited time, I know the feeling bouncing back and forth between several projects.

I had not seen that page, I had been picking through the source code to see what was and wasn't there.
I will take a good look as the source code is sugesting a lot of things we may need for good MAF control are already in there.
The MAF transfer function is there and a lot of the engine parameters for tunerstudio to do the K factor calculation automatically.

The first thing I might do is work out how to put the required tables and calulations into tunerstudio as I think that is going to be more difficult that patching the source code to do some relatively basic fuel calculations.
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by Simon@FutureProof »

Having had a look through that page the current method is:

fuel_squirt_duration = injector_lag_curve_lookup(V_BATT) + warm_up_curve_lookup(COOLANT_TEMPERATURE) * intake_air_correction_curve_lookup(INTAKE_AIR_TEMP) * fuel_table_lookup(RPM, MAF)

Which means to shift to a pulse width based load system all that needs to be done is change the fuel_table_lookup to (RPM, MAF_PULSE)

And add a calculation along the lines of "maf_table_lookup(V-MAF)/(RPM*K)=MAF_PULSE

For a simple test K could be defined in Tunerstudio while I work out how to go about implementing an automatic calculation. I could program a spread sheet in about 10 mins to shove out the K value from a few simple inputs.

Keeping the "fuel_table_lookup" calling up a manually input pulse width prevents a layer of abstraction that the original Bosch system creates where the fuel table is a multiplier. It means that the K factor is much less critical, filling out the fuel table is easier and more intuitive and we would have a lot more control over the final fuel output.
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by kb1gtt »

I think you also need to measure pwm. I don't think that is hard but I don't think it does it now but it can be done.
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by Simon@FutureProof »

Are you thinking for frequency MAF sensors?

It's a fair point, at the moment things look to be set up for just simple voltage MAF sensors like most 80s and 90s cars have. 100% the Bosch and Siemens MAF sensors used on BMWs up to about 2000 are simple voltage units. Take a look at the attachment, pretty simple units really.

I wonder if there is a chip designed to turn the frequency MAF sensors output into voltage signals?
BMW MAF circuit.JPG
BMW MAF circuit.JPG (73.26 KiB) Viewed 20602 times
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by AndreyB »

A lot of great content here! Now we need a volunteer to implement the code.
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by Simon@FutureProof »

russian wrote:
Fri Aug 24, 2018 9:49 pm
A lot of great content here! Now we need a volunteer to implement the code.
Ah, well, I thought I had sort of already lined myself up for that one but if you want to take it on then feel free. I will just be over here drinking beer and watching.... :lol:

The rest of the caps and resistors for my Frankenso turned up yesterday so I'm back on with building that, once that's done I will start looking at the code needed to make this one work.

I'm reasonably comfortable making it work in the firmware but integrating that into tuner studio may need a bit more help so expect a few questions making that work and some effort needed to clean up my crap into merge-able code.
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by Simon@FutureProof »

Started digging into this and have a couple of questions:

1. at the moment the selection of fuel algorithm in fuel_math.cpp is a group of IF/ELSE statements, as this is going to make things more complex are we fine with a CASE statement for the fuel algorithm selection that allows a DEFAULT statement to return the base fuel table?

2. I can see the tables are accesses using:
floatms_t getxxxxxx (x, y);

However I am curious about the functions there, "float" is obvious and the "_t" standard but I could not figure out why the "ms", I also could find no reference to "floatms_t" on the internet outside of RUSefi. Is this a function specific to ChibiOS? If so is there a handy reference of the extra commands available?

Similar question about the "getxxxx" seems fairly obvious what it is but not something I have come across in standard C++ (although I am a relative beginner at it so might have just not seen it).
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by AndreyB »

1. switch or chain of if/then makes very little difference, just does not really matter in my opinion. Switch without curly brackets give you variable visibility issues, switch with curly brackets looks ugly so if/then chain with curly brackets is my choice.

2. Do you use an IDE or some sort? Eclipse maybe? In Eclipse CTRL-<left mouse click> jumps to definition of everything. In this case it jumps to
typedef float floatms_t;
which is part of the

Code: Select all

typedef float angle_t;

typedef float floatms_t;
typedef float floatus_t;
as you see these are all floats but to make code more human-readable I reference to them with different identifiers so that I hint what units each variable is using.
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by Simon@FutureProof »

Ok, regarding CASE vs IF/ELSE the only reason I bring it up is that an IF/ELSE tree with LM_SPEED_DENSITY, LM_PLAIN_MAF, LM_ALPHA_N and LM_MAF_PW was staring to look a bit... convoluted. :lol:

I have been using VScode which I have always got on well with but it looks like I messed something up with the C++ plugin on my laptop, just opened it up on my main PC and boom there it is.

I had my suspicions that the "ms" might be milliseconds given the values they are used for. :roll:

In which case, I'll get back to my desk.
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Re: MAF sensor logic and load algorithm

Post by Simon@FutureProof »

Wanted to return to this thread and highlight that our MAF algorithm based on this method is working just fine.

I have been running the E30 with the MAF sensor as primary load for the last ~3 months, daily driving as primary vehicle and a 300mile round trip to south wales.

System is working well, AE tuning is much reduced as is the time needed to develop the VE table.

Edit to add the wiki link to the current method -
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