stm32F407 Discovery Board taking 2+ seconds to boot - SOLVED

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stm32F407 Discovery Board taking 2+ seconds to boot - SOLVED

Post by gurov »

Howdy all. I have a DIY rusefi ECU based on 407-Discovery board, and I noticed it was taking 2+ seconds to boot up before it started to try to sync/perform engine management actions.

after looking around, the solution is to solder SB10 solder bridge at the bottom of the board in the st-link area.
now it take 380 ms or so to start functioning.
image.png (2.18 MiB) Viewed 8459 times
1994 6speed supra turbo [ single turbo/1000cc ID/twin fuel pumps/bc2 262 cams ]. J&S safeguard for knock , UAEFI / 407 disco with rusefi / AEM EMS v2 / MS3pro PNP / Speeduino (mega2560 / teensy41 / stm32f411)
2020 BMW X3m - bootmod3 stage1
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