Lycoming 0-360 engine

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Lycoming 0-360 engine

Post by ian-w »

Hi All,

I have a Lycoming 0-360 180 HP NA engine which I'd like to convert to electronic ignition and fuel injection with rusefi. It's a long term thing with zero work done at the moment. Firstly I'd just like to understand the feasibility and the merits of going down this path
The reason for going down the path are better fuelling and the possibility of one day using water injection to allow the use of higher compression or turbo-changing on a air boat. The current carb and manifold doesn't deliver fuel evenly to the cylinders which leads to heating

At this point I still have a lot of questions such as understanding what rusefi hardware would be the most suitable, is sequential injection worth chasing the necessary cam signal or could this be pulled from the tacho output or even which injectors are best supported.

Some of the complications with the engine are
Twin spark plugs per cylinder. (Would one ECU for each set of 4 plugs be feasible/sensible?)
Zero crank or cam sensors at the moment,
I'm not sure if a cam sensor is possible.
No knock sensors, not sure how this could be done.
It currently has two magneto's and associated drives

On the bright side
There are fuel injector inlets with a 3/8 thread in the cylinder heads
There's a starter motor gear attached directly to the crank to which a reluctor ring could be attached
I think that the tacho drive output is geared at 2:1, which might provide the necessary cycle information.

Any thoughts or comments are welcome. Including the "you're an idiot"

thx Ian
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Re: Lycoming 0-360 engine

Post by AndreyB »

sequential injection in not worth chasing.

you would definitely need some crank sensor and a trigger wheel with a dozen of tooth or more.

fuel regulator so that your fuel pressure is not random.
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Re: Lycoming 0-360 engine

Post by ian-w »

Is there anything on returnless fuel lines?
If so does anyone have a sensor pump combination which works?
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Re: Lycoming 0-360 engine

Post by ian-w »

OK, it might help if I asked one question at a time.
The O360 enging has 4 cylinders and 8 sparkplugs, two per cylinder.
Could a single board such as the uaEFI or microrusefi drive 8 Coil on plug assemblies in pairs?
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Re: Lycoming 0-360 engine

Post by AndreyB »

Probably yes

uaEFI double-coil might be increasing the risk of hitting some limit around
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