Proteus questions and ideas

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Proteus questions and ideas

Post by ProtoDiesel »

Hello everyone, I'm new into the PCB and ecu fab and i have a few questions about Proteus:
- When i go to JCLpcb told me that i need a CPL file, but in the git hub export there is not a cpl and JCL doesn't let me continue without the file, i don't know what i really need.
- If i want an assembled Proteus board from JCL and i want the stm32f7, what i need? Modify the BOM file from git hub and change the f4 to f7 or made it with the f4 and when i get the PCB de-solder the f4 and solder the f7?
- how will Proteus be combined with the GDI6 PCB? I plan to use it in my BMW M57 D1 engine

I'm done with the questions, now the random ideas:
- It's possible to make a dual memory slot and have 2 ecu maps in one? I explain it, in my original ecu from BMW, the EDC15, i modified it to put 2 eproms memories and i can change it with a switch and i can change between em on the fly, it's possible to do the same with Proteus ecu?
(i can post images of the ecu if you want see how it's done)
- Do you think about put the ECU connector horizontal? (and if you want let the USB in the same pos) i think it will help with the cable management, case fab, etc and maybe it will be easier integrate the gdi pcbs in the same case, idk

sorry if im too noob making this questions or something, and thank you for the help, every comment is well received.
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