[help needed] ETB questions uaefi aircooled vw
ETB questions uaefi aircooled vw
Hello first post on this forum. New to rusefi not new to engine management systems. Mostly used the megasquirt platform. Anyways I plan to use a uaefi board to run a 2085cc type 1 vw engine with dual 2 barrel drive by wire throttle bodies from an aprilla motorcycle adapted to weber idf manifolds. My question is running 2 etb's do I get tps1 and tps2 singal from only one of the throttle bodies? Or do I wire tps1 to let's say the left tb and tps2 to the right tb? Thanks.
Re: ETB questions uaefi aircooled vw
Ok i think I figured out the answer to my question. Just have to use and address two spare inputs as the tps 2-1 and tps2-2. Didnt see the tps drop down menu under the sensors tab.