rusEFI table axis use, value outside axis range?

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mk e
Posts: 547
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:32 pm

rusEFI table axis use, value outside axis range?

Post by mk e »

What does rusEFI do if a value is outside the table axis range? If say rpm is 100 and the min axis value in the table is 300 does it use the 300rpm value as a constant for anything below 300? I was assuming it holds constant but thought it best to ask

Also without dynamic table sizing I'm finding most are much larger than I would normally want, TS allows me to set many axis points to the same values....does that cause an error of any kind?

So is this a valid table that locks VE to 70% 0-300rpm (so I save a 0 and 10000rpm point, effectively adding 2 columns) and makes it clear to me at a glance that the top 5 load rows are unused ?
ve table example.JPG
ve table example.JPG (379.95 KiB) Viewed 2937 times
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